Ten Things you should know about me that start with the letter "D"
1. Despicable Me: It's a great movie. I went to see it last night at the dollar theater, and I laughed throughout the whole thing. It helped that the voice for the main character is done by Steve Carrell, who I happen to think is hilarious. Go see it.
1a. The dollar theater is awesome. Its super close to campus and its oober cheap. Fabulous.
2. Dirty Dishes: I hate them. Oh, how I hate them. Don't get me wrong, I wash all my dishes right after I use them, and then it doesn't bother me. But when there's dishes in the sink, all covered in nasty food from who-knows-when...*shudder*...I absolutely hate even picking them up to put them in the dishwasher. It grosses me out like you wouldn't believe. Ugh.
3. Ducks at Salem Pond: They are a huge part of my childhood. ....And teenage-hood, for that matter. I have many fond memories of bringing bags of bread to Salem Pond to feed those fabulous fowl. (That sentence is just chock-full of alliteration! I didn't even mean to! Go me.) They do have a duck pond here on BYU campus, that is actually just down the path from where I live. But the ducks here seem snobbish. Apparently they're too cool to be friendly, cause they're COLLEGE ducks now. I guess my bread just isn't good enough for them. Also, I love the bridge at Salem Pond. And I can't wait for Christmas to go see the lights down there.
4. Dating: For a BYU student, I don't do very much of it. Lay off.
5. Dance parties: I love love LOVE dance parties. We had them all the time back at home with my high school buddies. Everytime we got together we would blast some music and get our groove on. We need to have more here at BYU.
6. Deaf people: Every so often, I see a couple of people on campus happily signing away to each other. Call me impolite, but I like to surreptitiously watch their conversations, since I'm semi-decent at sign language. I love that language. It's fun. And every time I see people using ASL, I'm tempted to just run up and start talking to them in sign language...but that would be bad. They would probably punch me in the nose and use the universal sign for "get lost."
7. Dennstaedtiaceae: I don't know what it means.
8. My dog: I miss her. She's so ridiculously cute. And every time I come home to visit, she gets so happy to see me that she has to pee. If that's not love, I don't know what is.
9. Drinking hot chocolate: Easily one of the only things that makes winter bearable, besides Christmas. I absolutely hate the cold. Back in high school, I never had to worry about being all bundled up for the weather outside, because I only had to deal with the thirty seconds of the cold when walking from the parking lot into the school. College, however, takes winter (or any other kind of bad weather) and smacks you in the face with it. I now have to prepare for at least a fifteen minute walk for wherever I go...every day. And hot chocolate is the only thing that keeps me alive.
10. Murphy's Law: I know it doesn't start with a D. But it's out to get me.
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